Services & Products


Consultancy regarding value-added bioresource utilization

Your company or municipality produces specific organic waste fractions and seeks for options for utilization? BRI provides guidance to search for suitable options and connects you to laboratories for investigations of your specific waste. The results of the investigations will be interpreted by BRi for you.


Consultancy regarding participation in public-founded projects

Your company is interested to cooperated with research institutions to apply research results in practice? Often governmental or European unions founding options exist, to realize such undertakings, but the procedures seems to be very administrative and connected with a lot of paper-work. BRI helps to formulate funding proposals and to connect with research institutions.


Scientific postcards from your project, process or product:

Common flyers or brochures contain often to much and to complex information. Mostly they are disposed unread. We design postcards, which allow a resource-scarce short project/ process/ product overview and give room for notes and personal information. Our design includes the writing of a focused technical summary and a creative layout. We will ask you to sent us:

  • a publication, description or abstract
  • the basic frame information and data
  • pictures and logos

You can choose size, style, paper quality. The service is offered for innovative and sustainable, projects, processes and products with relation to bioresoureses ONLY!


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